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To meet the challenges of increasingly complex structures, SCORPE designs fire fans that deliver high flow rates to effectively combat large scale fires: Warehouses, tunnels, airports, industrial complexes, high-rise buildings. We also offer other products for effective fire fighting.

Floating motor pumps Aquafast
As a world leader, AQUAFAST has developed a comprehensive range of floating pumps specifically designed to meet the particular requirements of fire-fighters. AQUAFAST floating motor pumps are ideal for filling vehicle tanks from hard-to-reach bodies of water, or from open tarpaulins during forest fire-fighting operations. They are also used to drain heavy water during floods. Manufactured in France since 1982, AQUAFAST floating motor pumps have been adopted by firefighters in more than fifty countries around the world. Since the end of 2014, AQUAFAST has joined the SCORPE group to further strengthen its international presence.